⁉️Frequently Asked Questions

What is Mode Domains?

A platform that helps users simplify blockchain interactions and transactions by replacing complex addresses with personalized ".mode" handles.

Are ".mode" handles secure?

Yes, ".mode" handles are designed with security in mind. The system leverages Solidity-based smart contracts to ensure accurate resolution of transactions, providing a secure and reliable user experience.

Can I update my ".mode" handle?

Absolutely! The user-centric interface allows you to update and manage your ".mode" handles in real-time. All you have to do is log in to your account and make the desired changes through the dashboard.

Can I use my ".mode" handle across different platforms?

Mode Domains is designed for cross-platform accessibility, allowing you to use your ".mode" handle across various devices and within the partner ecosystem platforms for a seamless user experience.

Can I claim any handle?

During the testnet phase, users have the freedom to claim any handle. However, once we transition to the mainnet, only the owner of that domain on ENS will have the privilege to claim it for seven days following the launch.

For instance, if 0x78D262EE17922bfB29476E25df20eEC17e254859 claims alice.eth on the Ethereum Mainnet, no other wallet address will be permitted to claim alice.eth for seven days from the mainnet launch. This approach aims to mitigate speculation and ensure a fair opportunity for unique name holders on Ethereum.

Why should I claim .mode handles on testnet?

Your active participation in establishing a resilient test environment for Mode Domains on the testnet is instrumental in ensuring its success. By claiming a .mode handle during this testing phase, you become a valuable contributor to the optimization of our platform.

As a token of our gratitude for your efforts, each user who claims a handle on testnet will be eligible to secure one free handle on the mainnet launch.

What happens to the testnet ETH accumulated by the contract on the testnet?

We plan to allocate these accumulated funds to a faucet, or even create a new one. Through this, we aim to create a valuable resource pool that developers can tap into.

Is Mode Domains recognized as an official partner of Mode Network?

Yes, Mode Network has been a strong pillar of support for Mode Domains. Also, Mode Domains is the official partner for the Naming Service on Mode Network.

Are there alternative methods for acquiring a domain?

Initially, you can mint or create a new domain directly in the Mode Domains platform. Subsequently, minting new domains will be supported on Space.ID as well. Also, trading will be available exclusively on Space.ID.

What benefits come with the purchase of a domain on Mode Domains?

Our aim is to significantly enhance your experience with the blockchain ecosystem and to this effect, Mode Domains offers a range of benefits. They include heightened ease of use, improved memorability, and the seamless integration of smart contracts. Most importantly, ".mode" handles make blockchain addresses simpler and user-friendly and they are designed to help you have a more accessible and straightforward user experience.

How can I go about purchasing a domain on Mode Domains?

To purchase a domain, please refer to the product guide. We have made a step-by-step and detailed guide available to make the acquisition process as seamless as possible.

Is there a limit to the number of domains I can purchase?

Absolutely not! there is no set limit on the number of domains a user can purchase on the mainnet. You have the flexibility to acquire multiple domains based on your preferences and needs.

How is the pricing of domains determined?

The pricing structure of Mode Domains is based on an annual subscription model. The costs vary according to the length of the domains;

3-character domains: $200/year 4-character domains: $50/year 5 & 5+ character domains: $5/year

Is it possible to sell a purchased domain later?

Yes, it is possible to sell a domain that you have purchased. All you need to do is use the Space.ID platform to list and sell your domain to interested parties.

Can I make updates to my domain at a later stage?

Yes, you have the opportunity to make updates to your domain at a later stage. This includes options such as transferring your domain to another user, designating a new primary domain, or extending the expiration date of your existing domain.

Who can I contact for further assistance?

For further assistance with Mode Domains, please reach out to our discord server and raise a ticket in #create-a-ticket.

Last updated